Friday, February 2, 2007

Week Four: The Weak Sign

Imagine you are driving down a one-lane road in a European country when you spot a triangle-shaped sign with a red border framing a drawing of a broken bed. What would you think? Would you think the municipality disallowed sleeping in the road? Or that beds are forbidden on the road? Or "Warning! Falling beds ahead?" Roadway signs convey clear and succinct information. They should not leave the driver working through confusion and doubt.


gercohenJoMC712 said...

earthquake zone?

serena fenton said...

This is hilarious! The possibilities are infinite:
- marriage counseling ahead
- no jumping on the bed
- watch for falling bed

Lars said...

Did anyone ever find out the true meaning? This is clearly an example of where an image search engine would be excellent!

Leslie Wilkinson said...

ha! what a bizarre one!

here, here on Lars' image search engine idea. A search for 'bed sign' and then 'broken bed sign' on Google images didn't turn up much.

Now, will the real meaning of the sign please stand up?

Chad said...

Now I'm intrigued... what DOES it mean?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?